Devaneios de um Polaco em Coimbra...Barcelona...Europa...Mundo

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Festa de primavera

And that was a party... the very first party of primavera... :) It was just great to party with all the people... I made mess but whatever... you have always to take trouble into account when you decide to invite me into party :) but the next party will be in my house :) greetz for everyone :)

No to byla impreza... pierwsza impreza tej wiosny :) super bylo spotkac sie napic ze wszystkimi ludzmi... znow nasyfilem, ale tak to jest jesli ktos decyduje sie zaprosic mnie na impreze... zawsze nabroje ;) nastepna impreza w moim domu :) podziekowania i pozdrwki dla wszystkich :)


Blogger 100kilo said...

Wow! A bilingual blogspot! Nice! What shall I say? I always consider bad sides of inviting OZZY aka Megapoziomka to party.

And he is always invited. Bastard. But at least it is worth it.


PS What exactly has happened?

4:26 PM

Blogger Megapoziomka said...

I flooded the apartment... first with a beer and later on while tryin to clean it with water :P later on I made mess with some kitchen devices... I scared nice nice Swiss girl... and finally... I felt asleep while chatting with nice nice nice SerboItaloRussian girl... shame :P but the party was just great :)

4:40 PM

Blogger Maggie said...

an interesting party i see!! ;) *

6:39 AM

Blogger Megapoziomka said...

of course :) wish u were there :) but seems that u´ve been workin on ur T1... :) how is it anyway?

6:50 AM

Blogger Maggie said...

my T1 isn't going that well... but if only that was the only problem i had... now i have to draw little construction details... so fun, isn't it?! (being ironic...)

maybe some other party... and there will be plenty of them... or coimbra isn't the city of THE students!!!!!!!!! ;) **

7:10 AM


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