Devaneios de um Polaco em Coimbra...Barcelona...Europa...Mundo

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Flashes of the past...

Tonite... just for a while... but always... I moved a step forward by meeting Agata here in Gliwice... strange feeling to meet the person that shared the same problems that u had in a place in another part of here... in another reality... but actually this world...not the same...but the background is still there...just couple of hours from here...AAC bar... Estadio Municipal... Continente... Casa do Polvo... but the main part of the spirit had spread around the globe... what are you doing now? Fred? Anna Paula? Eleni? Christina? Pablito? Martin? Karel? Filipe? Romerito? Nelson?... and all the people that I passed everyday in my way to faculty... I keep on thinking... it`s not gone... all is swere there... just around the corner... the spirit is in us... the spirit is still alive... and so will be... and so will be...

And some more... more personal stuff... long time ago I`ve met The Dreamer... The Dreamer that has an enormous power... power to see the things... and what more to describe them... The Dreamer can see much more than most of us... can feel the things that we haven`t even dream about... sometimes it`s scary to talk to The Dreamer... but the same time is enormous pleasure... I hope that The Dreamer will let me listen more to The Stories... and will keep on dreaming... the power is around :)

Friday, October 06, 2006

Fuego de revolucion...

seems like not many ppl are reading this blog, but I will write my stuff here anyway... I newer was a fan of writing diaries or whatever but this thing somehow suits me :) ... did you ever think about the revolution, any revolution and your possible behaviour during it? will u be the one on the streets, or the one waiting for the things to happen in ur own house taking care of ur nose? would you be ever able to believe in any ideology? Except the ideology of your own success which to be honest in our days seems to be smaller and smaller? Would you be able to say no to the things that seems not all right to you? would you be able to see those things at all? I guess that is a main problem of our time... I`m preety sure that there not many people that know how the things are going on in the world... but really, not in the version form the news that differ depending on the channel u`re watching... according to that almost everything can be seen as a fake, because is caused by unclear reasons... so can we talk about the revolution at all? I think that maybe not in the same meaning like Lenin or Che did but in the meaning of your everyday revolution... against things that u feel are not right... so stand up for your and other people rights! Work hard, be nice to people... Be honest and do the revolution :) agur yougur!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


The time has come for a new post ;) finally... as you know since couple of weeks we`re at our "homes"... by saying "homes" I mean more "the place where you can meet us more often". That is the problem of what can we call home, when according to our recent experiences whole europe appeared to be our house? The place where you can find me now is the place where I grew up, like the shelter, but to be honest I feel here more like guest... that`s why I`m looking forward to move to Gliwice to "temporarly mine" flat... actually at this moment we can rise again the question of defining habitation ... whatever ;) at least I`ve got here my music :)
Today I realised how unprepared man can be after a time slide from past perfect to this "continous" tense... I`m trying to work not even beeing employed, so they can`t sack me but the same time it doesn`t mean that the can`t treat me like shit... and? I`m working hard and trying to be nice for them, because somehow I`ve lost my whole asertivnes... I`m not prepared for ppl who wake up at 6 am and keep beeing frustrated during the whole day... but the thing we can do is to keep the spirit inside and try to influent... :) wish you luck :) ate ja!

Sunday, August 13, 2006


We love Barcelona! In my opinion the perfect place for drifters like us. The things were drifting towards us and we were drifting towards the things. Crushing, suprising, laughing. I remember sitting on the roofs watching the stars and the sunrise in almost the same moment. I remember dancing to very bad music and discovering hits from Mexico. I remember swimming in the mediteranian sea and eating potato chips and drinking spanish beer. I remember meeting nice boys and girls ;) ppl who helped and taught us alot. I remember sleeping in absurd places: squad, beach, gracias, sagrada familia or villa olympico, we slept everywhere! I remember being victims of the catalunian longfingers. I remember drinking the last good cafés on plaza de sol. I remember visiting smashing architecture and wondering about the neverending diversity and organisation of Barna. One might say, that this city is too perfect to be true. And I remeber this fucking blue blue blue sky without clouds.
As soon as we reached the highest level of adventureness and sun tan we saddled the silver airplane to fly back to our roots in the middle of europe. Pilot was Udo the truckdriver who knew to entertain us with a dozen of outbacktruckdriver storys. The sky over France was just amazing full of tiny white clouds. Followed by the german sky with rain clouds.
After Maciej has been introduced to german eating, building and drinking culture, a gasstation marked the sad end of our giant mutual drift and he made his way to Katowice which can be found in Upper Silesia.
When I look out of the window now I see, that it's much more green here than on Iberica. I mean, that's nice aswell. And anyway this rest might last little time. Take care ppl! Ground control to major Tom...

Friday, July 21, 2006

En Barcelona...

So we´ve finally in Barcelona, Catalunya... it took us only one day to arrive here... for those who don´t know I´ve met Fred in Sevilla... Sevilla is a beutiful city, but definitelly to hot for me... 47 degrees in the daytime and avarage of 35 at night... so after some adventures, visiting Madrid and the city of Alcala, hitch hiking we´ve finally met Aitor who took us directly to Gracia neighbourhood in Barcelona... cool place... you should see it! It´s a pitty that Nu is not here with us but I´m sure she is doing just great there in Eire :) What about us, we´re spending the days in looking for a flat or a room to stay to (at the moment we´re stayin at Marliese´s place - I delivered the tent Lis! :) and we´re starting to look for a job... as our castellano or catala barerly exist so it won´t be easy but not impossible... if we won´t find it we will probably go further to Donostia or to France... or wherever... :) take care everyone! Agur!
Deriva in Barcelona

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Moving from Past Perfect to Future Continous

I´m finally done! The time has come to compress my room into 70l of my backpack, turn Coimbra into sephia mode and move straight ahead in the search of the end of the rainbow...
Without stress, chasing noone with open head and heart and some sweets in pockets I will go to the south. There is no strict plan where to go. New adventures wanted as well as new people :) maybe I will visit someone of you on my way? :)
Of course, as I noticed before it´s not easy to leave this place which I was callin my home for the last 10 months, but as Nu is sayin "if you don´t move, you will rotten" :) . As I stay in a good shape and want to keep it up I´m going :). Wish me luck and hope to see you all :)
I will try to write sth from time to time to give you idea what is going on on my way...
First I will meet Fred somwhere around Sevilla and Cadiz... so see you there :) Agur yogur eta muxutxus!

on the photo - Spanish police intercepting car

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Make move and fall apart vs stand still and sink

The time has come... at least it seems so... the city is getting more and more empty... friends are leaving... but it´s quite obvious... it has to end somehow ;) in the moment of comming here we were aware that it´s gonna end sooner or later... it was just transistory time in the transistory space of the meeting point of the city of Coimbra... What about the plans and visions... everything is gonna be just like it´s gonna be... anyway it´s going to be good... I´m starting my drift probably next week... or this week... all depends... first I think I will go to upgrade my surfing skills (try to stand on the board :P) in Cadiz where I will meet Fred... then? :)
"The sun will be our guide, and dust our friend" :) take care everyone :) agur yogur!