Devaneios de um Polaco em Coimbra...Barcelona...Europa...Mundo

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

der i v a...

Ladies and Gentelmen! We are proud to introduce to you the newest child of dreaming futurists Friederike Thomas and Matthias Zacher... DER I V A projecta.

name: Deriva
age: 3 days
achievments: article "r u @ home", "dissapearing Silesia" exhibition (in progress), visions (in

mission: bring the future to your home
vision: life in intelligent space, interactive dreams and responsivle sandwiches.
statement of purpose: deriva projecta was founded because in our opinion world needs deriva projecta.
future: drift and realize

we are inviting you to our web page... more comming soon :)


Blogger Megapoziomka said...

maybe not all of us... but many for sure... and many are not aware of beeing drifters... I think so... but the same time I think that there are many people who have some aims ant they can reach them not by drifting... or maybe it´s a drift but the cannot realize that? or don´t want to?what do u think?

8:39 AM


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