Devaneios de um Polaco em Coimbra...Barcelona...Europa...Mundo

Sunday, June 04, 2006


tonite we realised that Portugal is probably one of the last countries in Europe where you can find architects designing clear original modernism... like Siza Vieira... younger architects are even copying forms from the modernism... that´s not even any kind of "neo modernism" ... it´s still the same old guy who´s son is so likely beeing killed by us... POMO... but is it so just in the architecture or can we find another examples? In ordinary life... and has to go on... and POMO must die... somehow it will be done Tristesse ;)


Blogger Megapoziomka said...

looks like it was build in 30ties... oh man... and we want to get rid of POMO... here they didn´t even start doing it...

1:55 AM

Blogger Megapoziomka said...

why actually am I writing pomo with capitals... pomo pomo pomo pomo pomo pomo pomo pomo pomo pomo pomo pomopomo pomo pomo pomo pomo pomopomo pomo pomopomo pomo pomopomo pomo pomopomo pomo pomopomo pomo pomopomo pomo pomo

1:56 AM

Blogger Megapoziomka said...

it´s 10am... and 30ºC ... and... ???

1:57 AM


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