Devaneios de um Polaco em Coimbra...Barcelona...Europa...Mundo

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Make move and fall apart vs stand still and sink

The time has come... at least it seems so... the city is getting more and more empty... friends are leaving... but it´s quite obvious... it has to end somehow ;) in the moment of comming here we were aware that it´s gonna end sooner or later... it was just transistory time in the transistory space of the meeting point of the city of Coimbra... What about the plans and visions... everything is gonna be just like it´s gonna be... anyway it´s going to be good... I´m starting my drift probably next week... or this week... all depends... first I think I will go to upgrade my surfing skills (try to stand on the board :P) in Cadiz where I will meet Fred... then? :)
"The sun will be our guide, and dust our friend" :) take care everyone :) agur yogur!


Blogger 100kilo said...

Good luck mate! Get us some photos of places you see. See ya somewhere out there ;-)

6:29 PM

Blogger Megapoziomka said...

because "the truth must be out there" (if we cannot find it here :P)

6:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ola!pozdrowka od portowej dziewki!

7:29 AM

Blogger Megapoziomka said...

one more day, few more hours... but how long it is going to take more?! I´m really angry I cannot just go from here :(

7:45 AM


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