Devaneios de um Polaco em Coimbra...Barcelona...Europa...Mundo

Monday, June 12, 2006

World Cup 2006

so the WC 2006 starded :) Here in Portugal it means... delays of everything because of football games :) hehe That´s really cool :) ... and we can watch good football games everyday... except the games of polish national selection... no comments here :) ... but generally all of us enjoy the atmosphere of the clubs and pubs during games... and atmosphere of the streets during portuguese games :)... yesterday they won against Angola... luckily but they won :) actually that will be really cool when Portugal (somehow) will win the world cup :P National Festa :) I´d like to see that :)... what about your favourite teams? I´m fan of Argentina of course :) AGUARDE LA ALBICELESTE! :) Poland, Czech Republic and Germany - that´s because Silesians are playin for them :P


Blogger Megapoziomka said...

me neither... :D hmm... actually if u consider 12:00 as a morning :P then I AM... and I like good brakefast :P coffee & cigarets wihtout CATS :P

7:37 AM


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