Devaneios de um Polaco em Coimbra...Barcelona...Europa...Mundo

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Moving from Past Perfect to Future Continous

I´m finally done! The time has come to compress my room into 70l of my backpack, turn Coimbra into sephia mode and move straight ahead in the search of the end of the rainbow...
Without stress, chasing noone with open head and heart and some sweets in pockets I will go to the south. There is no strict plan where to go. New adventures wanted as well as new people :) maybe I will visit someone of you on my way? :)
Of course, as I noticed before it´s not easy to leave this place which I was callin my home for the last 10 months, but as Nu is sayin "if you don´t move, you will rotten" :) . As I stay in a good shape and want to keep it up I´m going :). Wish me luck and hope to see you all :)
I will try to write sth from time to time to give you idea what is going on on my way...
First I will meet Fred somwhere around Sevilla and Cadiz... so see you there :) Agur yogur eta muxutxus!

on the photo - Spanish police intercepting car


Blogger 100kilo said...

Good luck mate!
The place I would like to see you is Coventry, UK. Preety shitty and without jobs going, but at the end of your trip try to get here. I keep my fingers crossed for your mission kadyks or whatever you plan.
See ya in a bit ;-)

4:25 AM

Blogger Megapoziomka said...

actually I landed today in Madrid and finally in Barcelona where I am at the moment tired like hell... take care mate

12:35 PM


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