Devaneios de um Polaco em Coimbra...Barcelona...Europa...Mundo

Friday, July 21, 2006

En Barcelona...

So we´ve finally in Barcelona, Catalunya... it took us only one day to arrive here... for those who don´t know I´ve met Fred in Sevilla... Sevilla is a beutiful city, but definitelly to hot for me... 47 degrees in the daytime and avarage of 35 at night... so after some adventures, visiting Madrid and the city of Alcala, hitch hiking we´ve finally met Aitor who took us directly to Gracia neighbourhood in Barcelona... cool place... you should see it! It´s a pitty that Nu is not here with us but I´m sure she is doing just great there in Eire :) What about us, we´re spending the days in looking for a flat or a room to stay to (at the moment we´re stayin at Marliese´s place - I delivered the tent Lis! :) and we´re starting to look for a job... as our castellano or catala barerly exist so it won´t be easy but not impossible... if we won´t find it we will probably go further to Donostia or to France... or wherever... :) take care everyone! Agur!
Deriva in Barcelona


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi dude!
Is nice to hear that everything is all right!
Hasta la vista babe!


8:22 AM

Blogger Megapoziomka said...

and suddenly Deriva landed in Dresden... :D greetz for all

4:39 AM


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