Save me from what I want to be :)
It´s hot... much too hot... much much too hot... 25degrees... in the night!... today was easily sth around 35... this temperature doesn´t really go well with the lack of sleep, work, drinks and all the loughers, scrachers, swingers and other colorful chemical substances... yeah whatever... all this happened on the last party in my house... actually it was really the very last party there! From now one all of them will be called "the bbqs" :D ... this time we had two excuses to do the party: Núria´s last party, and Liselot´s birthday... oi I forgot about one thing... Renhas nails :D finally she has acceptable nails :D... and the party was worth to remember... I won´t describe it here... please, people that were there write sth :) because actually I´m not the right person to describe it :) .
On monday we went to a nice barbecue near o cemiterio, nice night again... a bit sad to be honest but it was nothing comparing what happened yesterday when Nú has left... definitelly... the atmosphere was exactly like on o cemiterio... ok then... this post is short but I will fix it tommorow...